Title: Dirty Dancing (Originals)
Genre: Various
Label: DMC
Title: Dirty Dancing (Originals)
Genre: Various
Label: DMC
This release features the complete collection of Dirty Dancing tracks that have ever been featured on DMC. These include (I've Had) The Time Of My Life, Hungry Eyes, Big Girls Don't Cry, Hey Baby and Will You Love Me Tomorrow to name but a few. Don't miss out!!
For the DMC remixes and megamixes of the Dirty Dancing tracks, check out the DMC Dirty Dancing Package 1.Artist: Bill Medley & Jennifer Warnes
Title: (I've Had) The Time Of My Life
MP3 Price £0.79 + To Basket
Artist: Patrick Swayze
Title: She's Like The Wind
MP3 Price £0.79 + To Basket
Artist: Eric Carmen
Title: Hungry Eyes
MP3 Price £0.79 + To Basket
Artist: Bruce Channel
Title: Hey Baby
MP3 Price £0.79 + To Basket
Artist: Frankie Valli & The Four Seasons
Title: Big Girls Don't Cry
MP3 Price £0.79 + To Basket
Artist: Contours
Title: Do You Love Me
MP3 Price £0.79 + To Basket
Artist: Merry Clayton
Title: Yes
MP3 Price £0.79 + To Basket
Artist: The Shirelles
Title: Will You Love Me Tomorrow
MP3 Price £0.79 + To Basket
Artist: Surfaris
Title: Wipeout
MP3 Price £0.79 + To Basket
Artist: Ronettes
Title: Be My Baby
MP3 Price £0.79 + To Basket